⚠️ Este pode ser um canal de pornografia no Telegram, pode conter materiais para adultos. Incluindo pornografia, materiais de conteúdo sexual, e outros conteúdos para adultos.
BYBIT is a trading platform that caters to the needs of all types of traders. Ann: https://t.me/Bybit_Announcements Help Center: https://i.bybit.com/1wsVLabw Website: https://bybit.com
Official English Telegram news channel of KuCoin – a global cryptocurrency exchange. Materials only directed at persons outside of the UK. Join our new group if the group is full: https://t.me/KuCoin_Exchange_New
Hi #ICPeople, we are deprecating this group and creating a new OFFICIAL one for the Internet Computer Protocol. https://t.me/+hu2EzlVMN4lhYjA1 Request all of you to migrate to the new one to enjoy a better experience, contribute to the adoption of ICP,
VeChain Rules 1. No FUD/Toxicity/Profanity/Discrimination/NSFW 2. No Refs/Ads/Spam 3. English only 4. VeChain ecosystem only/no btc 5. No FUD/P&D 6. Mod-disputes in PM 7. No brigading/manipulation Announcements: @vechainannouncement https://vechain.org
International group of C/C++ programming. Only english language is allowed. Rules are in the pinned message. All messages, media posted in this group will be under the Creative Commons Licence. Rules - https://t.me/programminginc/453966
Welcome to our Vatandoshim USA Amerikadagi O'zbek Vatandoshlarimiz uchun ochilgan Vatandoshim USA Guruhimizga Xush kelibsiz! Eng birinchi original Guruh! Бизнес Реклама Платная по вопросам админ: @MenejerAdmin_007